‘Southern’ England Roadtrip ✈

It’s finally Friday and this week that means that tomorrow Richard’s mother, sister and niece will be here. I look forward to hanging out with them. Although it is incredibly strange to see them without him, then I’m glad they’ll be here. I especially look forward to see his little niece Siri, she is so cute! I believe we will visit Tivoli on Sunday and else just explore the city. This weekend will be fun but also somewhat emotional. The past couple of weeks I’ve saved a few websites I’d like to share (and save) with you guys:
I hope you enjoyed the links! Feel free to leave a comment with some links you think I should check out 🙂
Have a great weekend! ?
(photo: stocksnap)
I have been using the Clarisonic Mia 2 brush for over a month now. At first I wasn’t sure how to really do it or how much of a difference it would make. But by using it every morning for the past many days I have felt such a difference in my skin. My skin has become much clearer and it seems makeup applies easier.
The Clarisonic Mia 2 is a battery-powered, rechargeable brush designed only for the face. The brush head vibrates at a super high speed 300 “back-and-forth” movements every second. Each Clarisonic brush comes with a brush head and a charger. There a many different models, but if you are starting out the Mia 2 is a perfect choice and a bit less expansive than the other ones. The biggest difference between the various models is the option of cleansing speeds and size of the “brush handle”. The mia 2 has two speeds, I use the slower one at the moment.
Before using it for the first time you have to charge it for 24 hours.
The wrong way
I was talking to a Clarisonic representative in Sephora back in July and she told me how some people sometimes use the brush in a wrong way. I naturally asked how one can use it wrongly? And she said that some people press too hard, some use it too often and some use the wrong brush head for their skintype. Now the first one is simple to fix: Simply let the brush glide on your skin DO NOT press it against the skin just let it glide. When she mentioned “too often” I asked what too often was and she told me a client had used it three times a day. I was told to max use it twice a day. However, I personally prefer using it in the morning to get rid of all the dead skin cells. The last part is definitely also very important: to pick the right brush head, which I will explain in the next part.
The right brush head
I do not use the original brush head that comes with the Mia 2. I did test it out for two days and I felt it was too harsh for my skin. I luckily picked up the two-set Delicate Brush heads on the same day I got the Mia 2. The delicate brush head is much more suitable for my skin.
Oh and do remember to replace the brush heads every 3 months!
+ Waterproof
+ Super easy to use
+ Various brush head options
+ Easy to transport
+ Makes your skin feel even cleaner
– Expensive
– If used wrong it will feel harsh on your skin
– Head needs replacing every 3rd month
Although the brush is extremely effective because of the brush’s ability to move so fast, a simple wash cloth or a sponge can do the same thing. I would probably say it would be less effective than the brush, but any exfoliation is better than no exfoliation! There are of course also many other brushes on the market. However, I believe that Clarisonic is the only brush that uses sonic technology (due to a patent), which is what makes it so unique and effective.
If you have considered investing in a cleansing brush I hope this post will point you in the right direction. I solely wrote this post because of my love for skincare and how I’ve seen this brush help my skin. And perhaps it would help you too 🙂 If you do want to purchase it I know it can be bought in Sephora in the US, Selfridges in the UK and Magasin in Denmark.
A super delicious lime+mint+cherry lemonade
The best “homemade” ice-tea in copenhagen!
Here’s a few snippets from the last few weeks. One of the days I went to Café Norden with my friend Matt and I had the best ice-tea in town (according to me) and some very yummy open sandwiches. Oh and nachos… mmmm nachos!
I honestly planned this post 1,5 months ago, but I just didn’t get around to putting it together. Now is the time!
The day before I traveled back to Denmark we celebrated my cousin Nathan’s 4th Birthday. He is the youngest of my uncle’s boys and he is so adorable. The theme was (of course) minions! We had homemade burgers and later for dessert there was a birthday cake. Can’t have a birthday without a cake, can you? At least not in my world. The weather was great and the party moved outside to the pool, I forgot to bring my bathing suit so I sat in the sun instead enjoying the last warmth (it’s nowhere near as warm in Denmark). Later in the evening there were served shots and other alcohol for the adults, in best Ecuadorian style! I felt quite sad at one point because I missed Richard, so I went into the living-room (which was empty) to get some peace of mind. It helped a bit.
Looking at these photos make me smile though, it was a good day and I am sure Nathan had a blast. He even put on the minion t-shirt I had bought him right away, such a cutie pie!
A little throw back post with a few mixed photos from when I was in the US back in June and Juli. I quite liked being there and it was great to hang with my family. I really miss my auntie and grandma who I lived with when I was there, kinda sucks we live so far away from each other. Hopefully I will go back next summer!