Det der med vin ik’?

a glas of white wine 2020


Hvidvin, rødvin, rosévin, portvin – hvilken vin?

Vin har faktisk aldrig været noget jeg jublede over eller bare måtte ‘have’ et glas af efter fyraften. Jeg brød mig generelt ikke om vin i mange år, ud over lidt rosé og champagne hist og her, men det er faktisk begyndt at ændre sig så småt. Er jeg ved at blive voksen gammel? Er det det? Eller har mine smagsløg bare ændret lidt mening? Hvidvin er i hvert fald noget jeg er blevet glad for, og især en riesling. Den skal dog ikke være tør, det bryder jeg mig virkelig ikke om…

Have a great weekend

autumn candle and leaves lantern

Hiii there! It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of my Friday link lists, so I figured it was about time to do it again. Today is my Birthday. I’ve taken the day off work and I’m going to spend most of the day with Matt ❤️ Here are some links to sites, news and stories that caught my attention:

Monday mumbles

Kvistgård station september 2020

♥ 01. Good morning out there ? Today marks the start of my second full week at my new job. Time has honestly gone so fast the past week and a half I don’t understand it’s already October. At the start of last month I got offered the job as Marketing Coordinator at Logstrup and then I already started on the 23rd of September. I’m of course still getting used to everything, it’s still all very new to me, so I learning about the product and so on. I really like it there, the product is really interesting and the people are so kind. I’m very happy!