Maybe They Just Wanna to Get to Know You

What is that look on my face, wtf?

I’ve recently begun to talk to a guy I used to talk to almost two years ago, let’s call him “V”. I can’t believe we didn’t have any contact over the past years, it’s strange. Especially when it feels like it does right now. In short: Two years ago I was in a completely different place, I had just had my heart broken by CLB and I was still super unhealthily obsessed with him. “V” and I had some friends in common and we therefore started talking. I did like him and vice versa back then but to be quite frank I’m not sure what really happened. We just stopped talking. I don’t really remember anything about it. My memory works in this odd way where it can leave me “blank” pages. Anyway, last Tuesday {August 14th} I started to talk to him again. It was very random the way it went down but here we are. Now ever since that Tuesday I can’t get him out of my head. It’s so different. He’s different. I mean, he’s the same guy but he has just grown somehow. I have too. I’m in a completely different place today compared to two years ago. My friend A said to me: “It’s all about timing, and two years ago it just wasn’t your time”. I can’t help but to think; Is it time now? I mean I have no clue what’s going on really and I don’t want to rush anything or draw any conclusions. I’m actually taking it pretty chill. It’s the journey that matters not the destination, right? Have you ever had something similar happen to you? What did you do?

Jeg er begyndt at tale med en fyr igen som jeg plejede at være ret så tæt med engang. Det er virkelig tilfældigt! Men jeg tror bare at det lidt er meningen at han skulle dukke op i mit liv nu. Det tror jeg sku! Han har virkelig været en “rock” at have, specielt når jeg har været bange mht. sidste uge {læs her}. Men altså for fanden jeg er rimelig glad. Han får virkelig det bedste frem i mig. Det skræmmer mig lidt. Jeg føler tilmed også at jeg bliver  en endnu bedre person omkring ham. Haha, det lød lidt selvglad men you get my point. V, som jeg kalder ham, er også et helt andet menneske end han var sidst. Det kan virkelig mærkes og måske var det dét der manglede? Plus jeg også har ændret mig. Ej det er sørme lidt spændende alt sammen. Specielt fordi der skal ske noget stort snart. Fuck! Ej, det fortæller jeg jer om når det bliver sådan helt aktuelt 🙂 Har i nogensinde været i en lign. situation?

Monday Mumbles

❤ 01. So this weekend has been filled with emotions for me. My mom was in an accident last Thursday and we were all very shocked and scared. The important thing is that she is safe and sound now and that she’s feeling better. One thing I’d like to mention is that I feel SO lucky and blessed to have this amazing family to support not only me but my mom. I mean that just warms my heart. My friends have also been very supportive and I could not ask for better friends at all. I want to send some love out there to them all

❤ 02. Tomorrow I have my first intro-day at CBS. I’m quite excited to begin and at the same time I have some butterflies in my stomach. I mean, it’s new and you never know how your class will turn out. But i’m sure it’ll be a lovely class, like my last one was. I’m also wondering how many books I’ll have to buy for this semester…   -.-

❤ 03. Today on this beautiful Monday I’m going out to eat with my friend A<3 She’s been in Norway for a while so it’s good to have her back “home”. Can’t wait to see her. She was also so supportive with my mom and all. Love that girl!

❤ 04. The winner of the Skull Bracelet contest is: Jeanette V! Congratulations. I will contact you within the next 24 hours so I can send the bracelet to you 🙂 x


Min mor var i en ulykke i torsdags og nej hvor blev vi alle { i familien } bange men hun er okay nu og det går godt. Jeg har simpelthen været så glad for mine venners og families støtte, jeg elsker dem alle så højt. Imorgen starter jeg på CBS eller ja introugen begynder. Så det bliver virkelig spændende at se hvordan det bliver! Idag på denne Mandag skal jeg ud og hygge med min veninde, det har jeg sku’ også brug for nu.

Judging a “Book” by it’s Cover

Life can be surprisingly random at times. The other day I was going through random blogs jumping from one blog to another and I landed on a blog who’s author is a person I used to know. I looked at the person and I could just feel myself being instantly judgmental because of our history. But after looking around a bit I realized that it isn’t who I am anymore. My pattern has changed. I don’t just judge a book or a person by it’s cover anymore or at least I try not to.

I think everyone judges everyone a bit. But what separates people from each other are what you do with those thoughts. Do you keep  believing those “bad” things or do you simply accept that you could be wrong? Anyway, back then the person and I went through some crazy things together. And when I say together I mean more… against each other. A “frienemy” thing. God, thinking back to that time.. It was all so childish. Although I will stand my ground and say that I did at the time being think the person needed help. I actually think the person got help. It also look’s like the person is happy now which is good. Everyone deserves happiness.

What about you? Are you ever prejudiced? 

Jeg faldt forleden over en blog. Det var nu egentlig meget sjovt at læse lidt. Det er sådan at jeg og den her person engang kendte hinanden og vi gik igennem en hel del underlige ting haha. Og det udgjorde at jeg rimelig hurtigt var lidt dømmende da jeg læste mig rundt på bloggen, men så et par minutter senere forsvandt den følelse igen. Dér er jeg kommet videre. Jeg prøver ikke at dømme folk før jeg lærer dem at kende. Hvad med jer? Kan i nogle gange godt fange jer selv i at dømme andre uden egentlig at ville det?

Skull Bracelet GIVEAWAY

I love this bracelet. I think it’s so cute and simple and at the same time a bit raw. It’s really nice to mix up with other bracelets. I bought this one for myself but I also bought another one for one of you guys! The bracelet has a golden bronze color and I just love how they’ve blended the colors on the bracelet. Anyway, the giveaway is open for everyone {i.e. any person from any country can join in} and it will end on the 20th of August.

The way you can compete or “earn” entries is through a program called Rafflecopter. It’s something I’ve seen a lot of bloggers use. It’s really smart and very simple to use. Just register through your email {only I can see your email} or use your facebook. I personally use facebook when I enter contests via. Rafflecopter. {Don’t worry you wont get spammed on facebook or something by Rafflecopter} Anyway you have FIVE entries in total. You don’t have to do them all but you obviously have a bigger change of winning by doing all five. You can see the different ways to enter below:

Halløj derude, jeg udlodder nu et fint dødningehoved armbånd til et heldig asen. Ja jeg synes ihvertfald selv det er rigtig fedt. Jeg købte nemlig et til mig selv og så et til en af jer. Det er super let at være med i konkurrencen. Du skal bare bruge boksen lige neden under. Der kan du “logge ind” med enten din email eller via. facebook. Det er et super smart og enkelt program som bliver brugt af en del bloggere. Du har fem “lodder” som du kan bruge, men du behøver ikke bruge dem alle. Du kan vælge bare at deltage med et lod. Det er helt op til dig! Konkurrencen slutter D. 20 August – Held og lykke.

a Rafflecopter giveaway