My Trip To: Ecuador
Ecuador 2014 – Part one
Back in the summer of 2014 I traveled to Ecuador, and I’m honestly not sure why I never wrote about my time there, because Ecuador is wonderful! From the people, to architecture to food and the weather; It’s a beautiful country. I spent an entire month in Ecuador with my father, stepmom and sister . We spent time in Quito (the capital) and time on the beach in our family’s summerhouse(s). It was a really good trip.
As you may know I am half Ecuadorian and I absolutely love visiting my other ‘nation’. I always feel very at home there, and somehow at peace. It was Sarah’s, my sister, first time in Ecuador and I really looked forward to see how she would like it there. She, too, loved Ecuador. But, who wouldn’t? Honestly can’t imagine anyone not liking that country.
I took tons of photos while I was there and I could probably make twenty or more posts filled with photos, but I will try and limit myself a bit. This post, and the upcoming ones (there will be nine semi chronological posts), will be photo heavy. Very, photo heavy. So buckle up!

We started the journey by flying with KLM from Copenhagen to Amsterdam for a one-night stay before flying straight to Quito the day after. We stayed at a nice little hotel a few minutes from Schiphol airport. Sarah and I shared a room and because we didn’t want to go out we had a late dinner at the hotel instead.

View from the bathroom in Quito

The view from one of the bedrooms (We stayed at my grandmother’s btw)

Lunch at Noe in quicentro (a mall)

You wouldn’t see this back in Scandinavia

On one of the first days in Quito we went to visit my grandfather (my father’s father). Since my grandparents are divorced I actually had three grandfathers growing up. My danish grandfather passed away in 2007, but I still have my grandmothers husband and my father’s father ♡ Anyway, we had some really nice lunch and then we went to see the old part of Quito.

A view of the old part of Quito

“El Panecillo”

Walking around on “La Ronda”

There are a lot of beautiful little shops in this area

And many restaurants and ‘sweet’ shops