A Peek Into: “Revenge”.

I and some of my friends {and my boyfriend who I’ve forced to watch it with me} have rapidly grown very fond of Revenge. I will admit it took more than just the pilot episode to get me hooked but I am so glad I stayed for a few more episodes because then it became epically interesting. This is one of those shows that just lures you in and takes a firm hold on your ‘guilty pleasure’. Because yes, it is a good show but I’ve got to admit it is somewhat a guilty pleasure. As a person who loves fancy smancy things it’s simply amazeballs to sit and watch them all in pretty dresses and well… There is admittedly some eye candy in the show too! I mean Jack Porter? COME ON you are good looking. Or maybe that’s just me?
What is Revenge about?
The whole plot of this show is, funny enough, about revenge. David Clarke was falsely charged with being none other than a terrorist. His daughter Amanda, who was around ten years old, was taken away and because her mother had died years before she was put in an institution. Years later Amanda is an adult and she learns the truth about her father; he was innocent. She also learns that he died in prison and she never got to say goodbye. This it what drives her. She wants revenge on the people who framed him and so it becomes her life’s mission. She returns to where it all started, her old home in the Hamptons. However, she is no longer Amanda Clarke – but Emily Thorn.
I don’t really want to say too much because I honestly think you should give it a shot if you haven’t already! This is a wonderful drama show where rich people behave horribly and you’re on the edge of your seat in pretty much every episode. There are twists and turns and my jaw has dropped countless of times in that show. Yes some of the twists are outrageous but at the same time plausible enough that you believe them! The actors in the show are great and they play each part so perfectly. You’ll also grow to almost hate some of them because they make you want to punch them countless of times. On the other hand you’ll become very fond of some of the characters as well. Personally I think my favorite is Nolan Ross.
What do you think about Revenge? Have you seen it? Do you have any faves?

Love this show! 😉 So sad that they’re on break until the new year. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
I agree 😡 I loved Season one’s final episode. Oh my gosh the cliffhanger!
Agreed! But I’m really confused about that baby. So Emily (the real Amanda) told the fake Amanda that Jack isn’t the baby’s father, but then she went back on her word and said that it was a lie, and Jack really is the father? I’m not sure, if that was for real that Emily was actually being honest for once, SOOO confusing! Because honestly, I don’t really want it to be his baby 😉
I dont want it to be his either! But, I think it is. I mean I’m pretty sure she told Nolan that he was the father. She told someone or talked to someone about as I recall. But I really hope those two (Jack and Emily) end up together!