Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. Good morning guys! I just woke up with a crazy amount of cramps, of such a scale I haven’t felt since I was a teenager almost. Could barely walk, wth!? So I popped two painkillers in hope that the pain will disappear soon. I am going back to bed to rest a bit (I was actually up at 7).
♥ 02. Last Saturday (like two days ago) was my dad’s birthday. He turned 50! I went to my dad’s place and we went out for dinner, my dad, stepmom, sister and me. We went to Souls which is a vegan restaurant I’ve made a post about previously. It was soooo good. I love the truffle dressing they use, looooove it.
♥ 03. The photo above makes me really happy. It means it’s finally fall! I really like this time of year, not only is it my Birthday month but it is also Halloween and candle-time month. The above photo is from an area close to where my mom lives, such a lovely place.
♥ 04. On Sunday I am turning 27, and I am trying to plan where to go for dinner with Matt. But somehow, I am completely empty for ideas. Like, I think I’ve actually had many ideas. Perhaps so many that it turned into no ideas. I want to go somewhere cozy and I would like either italian, steaks, or french/danish cuisine. So if you live in Copenhagen and have a great idea for a restaurant, do share!