Monday Mumbles

This is my please-let-exams-be-over face.
♥ 01. Gooooooood morning! I have happily handed one of my exams in and tomorrow a new 72 hour written exam begins! Hopefully Maiken and I (my wonderful study buddy and friend) will NAIL IT. I’m positive about it at least.
♥ 02. Saturday I went to my mom’s place to celebrate her Birthday. It was good to see her again and my family. Most of all though it was good with a wee break from studying!! I needed that. Also there was birthday cake. That makes everything better.
♥ 03. I do try to squeeze my blog in during the exams – but it’s hard to find the time. Mostly because I sit and write and read all the time so when I’m finally “off” I prefer to sleep, catch up on TV shows or game a little. But hey I wrote this little update didn’t I? #selfpatonmyhead
♥ 04. Richard was here 10 days ago and it was the best of the best of times. I miss him dearly and I cannot wait for summer to come!
I wish you all a happy week! x