Monday mumbles

❤ 01. It’s one of those Monday’s where I really just want to stay in bed and relax. So I stayed in bed for a couple of hours longer listening to an audio book (yes I’ve recently started to do that!) Today will be quiet, I need to study some and then I have nothing else to do. How lovely! I want to listen to the book though, I really like it. It’s named “A Clash Of Kings”, it’s the second book in the Song Of Ice and Fire series, you might know the first book; “A Game Of Thrones”? Since I’ve fallen in love with the TV show I decided to start reading or well listening to the book too.

❤ 02. Yesterday I was at my sisters birthday party. She’s turning nine tomorrow!!! Every year I seem amazed that she is a year older, I think time flies by way too fast. I still think of her as that ickle cute little baby girl who liked to sit in my lap and whom I could read stories to. Oh well she is still my sweet little girl and lol I tried to carry her but dear god she is heavier than she was when she was three haha. We also went to ‘fælledparken’ where there was carnival, YAY to samba rythms 🙂 I reeeeeeally want to go to Rio and experience the real carnival someday!

❤ 03. As stated above I am going to study some today (and tomorrow and the day after). I have an exam this Thursday in Computer Science (I soooo regret taking that course), and I am a little tiny bit dreadful to how it’s going to go. As long as I pass I am happy! I also really hope I won’t draw a subject called ‘databases’ cause that’s somehow hard for my brain to grasp ahhhh! Else I only have TWO exams left. This one and then an English oral exam next week, which I’m kinda looking forward too. And then I’m done! At last 🙂

❤ 04. Good news by the way! I got accepted to the summer course in a more advanced English course. I need to have it on a higher level if I want to study something with English at the university. Which I think I am going to do, at least I like it and it’s something I am good at so why not study it? I think I might take the business approach tho’ and attend Copenhagen Business School instead of Copenhagen University. They are basically the same thing but the business school obviously focus more on business (funny eh?). Anyway so far that is what I have in mind and if I don’t like it I can always change next year. Have a good monday!

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