Beauty Bakerie Royal tea liquid lipstick

Have you tried the brand Beauty Bakery? I’m kinda into watching youtube a lot lately, and particularly beauty-tube. And this liquid lipstick, or “whip” as it is called has been quite popular. So I decided to try it out:
Let me start out by saying it is honestly not worth the money. It’s a fine product and it looks good on the lips, but that’s it. There are many other brands that offer something just as good for less money. It is not that it isn’t good, I think it is. I just don’t think it is anything special, at least not the formula.
Something that is special about this liquid lipstick is the color! The metallic deep red “Royal tea” is gorgeous, and that I haven’t seen that many places. I probably won’t be purchasing it again though, it just isn’t a color I am going to use a lot and to be frank I quite like NYX regular cheap liquid lipsticks too. Nonetheless I thought it deserved a little spot here on the blog, cause it is a gorgeous color!

Pretty standard lip applicator