A Great Saturday

Three weeks ago Matt, DJ and I went to the Danish National Museum to see a limited time only exhibition. The day actually started with me having a driving lesson. I drove myself and Matt to the museum where we had lunch before we met up with DJ. We both had a sandwich. Matt had tea and a pastry and I had a glass of coca cola. Those sandwiches were REALLY GOOD though. The exhibition was about “The White Busses”. These busses helped save quite a few people, mostly Scandinavians, during world war 2.

A poster which was placed in Copenhagen during WWII

Replica of a typical Danish home during the war

Matt trying out a replica of a bed from the KZ camps

Matt and DJ checking out what’s inside the parcels

There were cool interactive things at the exhibition

They also screened a short film about the war

This exhibition was really interesting and I feel like I walked away with a lot of new information. If you are in Copenhagen and want to see and experience a great (also interactive) exhibition do swing by the Danish National Museum. It’s free and you can find more information here.
interesting post and photos, your food looks delicious too!
Hannah | Heyitshannaah