Monday mumbles


❤ 01. Oh, have it been a busy Monday or what? Or was it just my Monday? Well it’s been one of those practical “do a lot of things day” for me today. I had a dentist appointment which I actually almost forgot about but thank god for technology! Apparently they send you a text the same morning reminding you that you have an appointment, super smart. Oh and no holes 😉 I’ve also been to my optician cause I needed to get more fluid stuff for my contacts. And at the same time I made an appointment for tomorrow to check out my eyes since I haven’t actually had a check-up in forever and I figured I had to do it when I have time. Then I went to buy a new bra since I still had a gift certificate and I needed a new summer bra! I also went to pick up some things a friend had to give me before Friday and then I booked the laundry room for tomorrow. To top it off it was about a billion degrees today I think half of my skin melted away? Any takers on some snow? no? I’d like a little snow haha!!

❤ 02. IT’S BEEN QUIET HERE I KNOW and sorry for that but the last exam swallowed me up whole and then there were parties and things I had to attend to. And I think I literally slept half of Saturday and Sunday away. I guess the past six weeks really took their torn on me. Anyway I’m done and now I have vacation woohoo!!! By the way I ended up with good grades  and a good average so that’s just perfect. I’ve, as mentioned before, been accepted for a course that’ll begin very soon. The 11th of July to be exact so that doesn’t leave me with much time off but that’s okay. I’ll have some vacation later this year, yeah? At least I hope so. But it really depends on how everything is in the fall I guess…

❤ 03. This week I’ll apply for the University and course I hope to get into. I really hope I get picked, (I wont know till’ end of July). On another note then I will start taking driving lessons after the summer and I’m really looking forward to that. My sweet father said I should start looking for a good driving school and then I could start after summer YAY. Some of you might think “Why doesn’t she have a license already she’s 21!!”. But here’s why; I live in a big city and the metro, buses, trains, my bike and my feet takes me pretty much anywhere I need to go. But I’ve for a while really wanted to get a license cause I’ve come to realize it’s somewhat practical to have. So I’m REALLY happy that I get to get one soon 😀

❤ 04. Did I forget to mention that I’m going to England? Well I am. And I’m leaving this Friday eeeeep. It’s going to be SO good to get out of the country and out and about. I’m looking so much forward to it and to spend some time with Joseph 🙂 Also I’ve become a huge sucker for scenery and I can’t wait to see some pretty old castles and such. Oh England you excite me haha. I’m only going to be gone for a week though but during that time there won’t be much to read here. But I will try and post a little 🙂 I wish you all a great 4th of July to you who celebrates that and generally just have a great July! Cause I know mine will be filled with good memories.

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