Monday Mumbles

❤ 01. So this weekend has been filled with emotions for me. My mom was in an accident last Thursday and we were all very shocked and scared. The important thing is that she is safe and sound now and that she’s feeling better. One thing I’d like to mention is that I feel SO lucky and blessed to have this amazing family to support not only me but my mom. I mean that just warms my heart. My friends have also been very supportive and I could not ask for better friends at all. I want to send some love out there to them all

❤ 02. Tomorrow I have my first intro-day at CBS. I’m quite excited to begin and at the same time I have some butterflies in my stomach. I mean, it’s new and you never know how your class will turn out. But i’m sure it’ll be a lovely class, like my last one was. I’m also wondering how many books I’ll have to buy for this semester…   -.-

❤ 03. Today on this beautiful Monday I’m going out to eat with my friend A<3 She’s been in Norway for a while so it’s good to have her back “home”. Can’t wait to see her. She was also so supportive with my mom and all. Love that girl!

❤ 04. The winner of the Skull Bracelet contest is: Jeanette V! Congratulations. I will contact you within the next 24 hours so I can send the bracelet to you 🙂 x


Min mor var i en ulykke i torsdags og nej hvor blev vi alle { i familien } bange men hun er okay nu og det går godt. Jeg har simpelthen været så glad for mine venners og families støtte, jeg elsker dem alle så højt. Imorgen starter jeg på CBS eller ja introugen begynder. Så det bliver virkelig spændende at se hvordan det bliver! Idag på denne Mandag skal jeg ud og hygge med min veninde, det har jeg sku’ også brug for nu.

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