Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. Hiiiiii. It’s been a little while since my last Monday Mumbles. I’ve been busy with exams and a big project deadline so I haven’t lead the most exciting life. But it’s been very productive. I can’t wait to get through the exam period, it’s always so stressful and time consuming.
♥ 02. I spent yesterday (and Saturday) trying to motivate myself for studying some more. I did manage to read a few chapters, and I did go through all my notes. And them notes be helpful yo. But today I will be reading a lot more! I kindaaaa got distracted yesterday and binged a season of Teen Wolf ? #shithappens
♥ 03.This Friday Matt will be here and I can’t wait to see him! He’s staying until Tuesday yay 😀 Hopefully the weather will be on our side, cause it has been sooo nice lately. On Saturday Matt and I are going to a party to celebrate my grandmother’s 80th Birthday. She is throwing a brunch at this restaurant and we are invited. I look forward to celebrating her.
♥ 04. On Thursday I’m going to the cinema with my friend Katrina. I think we’ll watch the new King Arthur movie. It’s at least a movie I’d like to watch as it seems to provide a new spin on the old tale. One thing I do know is that I’ll eat some delicious popcorn.
Have a good week! x