
We only stayed in Teignmouth for that one night and in the morning we were headed for a spa outside London, where we had planned to spend four lovely days! Teignmouth seemed very lovely though, and our hotel (The Thornhill) was really great. It was very old and rather small but the breakfast was really good and the staff was super friendly.

Their little common area / lobby

Our room was at the top of that little staircase

My breakfast consisting of smoked salmon with scrambled eggs

How adorable is this tiny jam tower?

Such a pretty little town

Matt kinda forgot where he parked the car xD

That looks like such a lovely place to stay, I find there is nothing better than staying in a nice little hotel/b&b as they treat you better than a busy hotel would!
Meme xx
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such pretty photos of the sea
Looks like a beautiful place!
xx Elle
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