Monday Mumbles

♥ 01. I’ve now been at TimeLog for a bit over a week. It’s been very educational and I’ve amongst other learned to use HubSpot. Obviously you can’t learn everything about HubSpot in a week but I’ve made a start on it and I’m getting comfortable with it. I actually think it’s a genius tool and I can’t wait to know how to do everything ‘in it’ 😛
♥ 02. Matt is coming back home tonight!!! I’m beyond excited 😀 Matt has been in the Netherlands and the UK the past 9 days. And I’ve missed him so so much. It’s honestly felt very empty here, especially at dinner and bedtime. It’s just not the same eating by myself and falling asleep by myself – I definitely prefer being beside him. I think his plane lands around 21:30, I can’t wait to see him. Tonight can’t come fast enough!
♥ 03.Instagram update: I just updated my bio on instagram, and I did post a photo with a little update. I won’t go into much detail as I’ve written a long blogpost already. I’m still working on it as I feel like it’s a super important subject to me and I want to explain it in the best possible way. In short though; I started changing my lifestyle last year. I’ve kept quiet because I wanted to deal with it on my own at first, but now that I’ve gotten used to it and embraced it – I want to share. I’ve been planning this upcoming post since January actually, and as you see it’s been a big decision for me if I wanted to share it or not. I will be posting it in September sometime. ✩
♥ 04. This weekend Matt and I will probably just chill as it’s been a few weeks since we’ve had a weekend together. Besides I want to rest before next Monday where we have a teambuilding day at work where we have to herd sheep! It sounds hilarious to be honest, I’m intrigued to see what it really entails.