On a sporadic Wednesday I went to visit my godmother in Hornbæk. She just became the proud owner of a summer house in Hornbæk and it happened to be very close to my job in Kvistgård. After work I drove to my godmoms house to see both her and my godsister. We had first talked about having some food at their summer house, but I was then asked if I wanted to go on a boat ride and then eat dinner at a small street food market in Hornbæk. As I don’t really go sailing too often I thought it sounded like a fun afternoon/evening. We were also joined by my godmoms friends brother Jeppe, who seemed like a lovely person. I had also never been to the street food area in Hornbæk before and as a Foodie I was quite excited to try that. It was a really nice evening and I look forward to visit them again and also to visit the street food in Hornbæk again.